Image source:
Georgina Island First Nation
November 29, 2023

GIFL Project: Cultural Heritage Report

WSP was retained by the Chippewas of Georgina Island First Nation (GIFN) to conduct a Cultural Heritage Report: Existing Conditions and Preliminary Impact Assessment (Cultural Heritage Report) for the Georgina Island Fixed Link Project.

This report identified a Cultural Heritage Landscape (CHL 1: encompassing Lake Simcoe, including the marsh and shoreline) and a Built Heritage Resource (BHR 1: a residence located at 7577 Black River Road) within the project's study area. WSP recommended avoidance of these heritage resources. Where avoidance is not possible, mitigation measures will be developed in consultation with Georgina Island First Nation.

The Cultural Heritage Team is in the process of revising this report (as of November/December 2023) to include more elements significant to the First Nation. These updates will be incorporated into the Detailed Project Description once completed.

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