Image source:
Georgina Island First Nation
November 14, 2023

GIFL Project: Air Quality Impact Assessment

WSP completed a qualitative assessment of the air quality impacts of three route options for the GIFL Project. The assessment focused on the expected impacts of each route option on sensitive receptors within the Project Study Area (within 500 m of the GIFL route).

The assessment determined that Option 2 (the new route alignment) would likely have the least impact on sensitive receptors within the Project Study Area and was carried through as the GIFL Preferred Option. This option was further analyzed in a detailed Air Quality Impact Assessment (AQIA).

An AQIA was completed to assess further the impacts of the GIFL Preferred Option on local air quality conditions within the Project Study Area. The AQIA summarizes existing local air quality conditions, and the nearby sensitive receptors and discusses the potential air quality impacts of the GIFL Preferred Option during operation and construction. The AQIA focuses on air contaminants that are expected to be released from vehicle emissions, including greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.  

It should be noted that in the absence of reliable published data on the fleet composition, the emission calculations within the AQIA are based on the assumption that all vehicles, current and future, use conventional fuels. No adjustments were made for potential reductions in emissions from hybrid or electric vehicles. As a result, emission rates and overall results of the AQIA are considered conservative.

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