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Georgina Island First Nation
July 24, 2023

Chief Big Canoe Defends Fixed Link as Shoreline Property Owners Raise Concerns

In a recent interview with the Georgina Post, Chief Donna Big Canoe of the Chippewas of Georgina Island First Nation (GIFN) shed light on the pressing need for a fixed link between Georgina Island and the mainland. The current Aazhaawe Ferry's lifespan is winding down, prompting Chief Big Canoe to advocate for a safer, more reliable transportation option.

Key Points from the article:

  • The Fixed Link: The proposed 2.4 km Fixed Link includes a 1.2 km elevated bridge and causeway sections. This proposal aims to provide a secure, reliable, and continuous transportation option, addressing the challenges associated with the current ferry system and seasonal ice roads.
  • Safety and Reliability: Chief Big Canoe highlighted the daily health, safety, and transportation obstacles the GIFN community faces due to the absence of a consistent and secure transportation mode. She emphasized that the current travel arrangements are time-consuming and heavily influenced by weather conditions.
  • Community Benefits: Chief Big Canoe stated that beyond improved accessibility, the Fixed Link promises to make off-reserve education, training, employment, emergency services and healthcare more accessible.
  • Misconceptions Addressed: Chief Big Canoe dispelled rumours that the Fixed Link initiative is driven by plans for a casino or resort on the island. She reaffirmed the community's focus on protecting its members and their well-being.
  • Funding and Progress: Chief Big Canoe stated that The GIFN community, with support from the Federal government, aims to finance the Fixed Link, including the Canada Infrastructure Bank (CIB), designated for Indigenous infrastructure projects

For more insights, dive into the full article on the Georgina Post: Chief Big Canoe Defends Fixed Link as Shoreline Property Owners Raise Concerns

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